Friday, August 21, 2009

1 <3 [/h8/miss] C0LL3GE

hey yall! so i haven't blogged in a new york minute, but that's about to change forreall because...

I M IN NEW YORKZ. today i went on a walking tour of the neighborhood today which was nice, but also very very impossibly hot. didn't see kevin carpet, even though i was in union square. :(

basically this is just for you, ty, so we can keep in touch outside of texting/telepathy. i haveta go right now, cause i'm tryna meet up with dave mozarella and get some art supplies, but i'll write more later.

here is a picture from my first night at college. we don't have any mugs, cups, utensils, or plates, and the internet wasn't working:

thank god i brought that straw and tea pot. maybe i will only use those things to eat for the rest of this year, as a kind of performance piece. could help me set myself apart.

some of the kids checking in today are real entry levelers. hope i can watch them transform this year. might do a photo essay.

iight well i actually should go now, i told dave i'd meet him at the park a while ago. PLEASE VISIT ME.

1 comment:

  1. That would be fantastic. What is the essence of teakettle? What is art? What is eating?

    Don't worry about Kevin Carpet, I'm sure you'll see him soon, he's there all the time, you know. People see him and say, "Oh, there's Kevin Carpet again."

    For whatever reason, that just seemed like a good post, a superior post...
